
Current Results

Misteriously, StepsOfGlory4 is still alive. It occasionally gets about $100 floating drawdown on my IBFX nano account. So if you have about $500 I think this EA would be fine. If you trade with micro, not nano, you would probably need $5,000 to run it safely.

My other bots, Wallstreet and Oddbot, are still underwater.

My new VPS provider, CNS, is running fine after a week. Hope they keep good work.


Database Mart went down twice

My most favorite VPS provider Database Mart (or HyperV Mart) went down twice recently. I had been using them quite a while and trusted them very much, but I now decieded to move to other VPS provider.

Can't stay with them any more. I don't want to risk my accounts.


Risk on StepsOfGlory

A couple of hours ago, the floating risk on IBFX account running StepsOfGlory has reached about $100, which means that if you run this bot on $1,000 account your account must have been blown up.

My acccount still survived as the balance is about $237, but if it was $100, it must have been blown.

My IBFX account uses nano lots, but if you run this bot with a micro lot acccount, $1,000 is still too less to run this one.

Time has come to EXNESS

I think this is a common fate for any bucket-shop broker. After I made my account 1800% from the initial deposit of $100, EXNESS has started something. These days, EXNESS MT4 disconnects very frequently and it's now beyond my acceptable level. It's simply risky.

Several minutes ago, my EA failed to close the position due to the connection problem. And this was the second time.

I think now is the time to leave EXNESS. Like I wrote on "About Me" section, every bucket-shop broker starts to block profitable traders. Happy days with EXNESS is over.

I'll move my money from there.


StepsOfGlory Survived For Now

Tons of positions accumulated with StepsOfGlory were closed at once. This was a pure surprise. Now it's up 50 percent.

I had been wondering if this one is steps of glory or steps of disaster. My question is still unanswered as it's been a week or so since I started running it. But 50 percent in a week is absolutely fun to watch at.

I would like to see if this one is a time bomb or a miracle.

StepsOfGlory with IBFX

I use IBFX Australia to run StepsOfGlory because IBFX allows nano lots. The author of the Ea recommends $1,000 deposit to start trading this EA, but with nano lots, you can trade this EA with only $100.

BUT! It keeps placing tons of nano positions like below.

Is it an account-blower? Or steps of glory?



I've purchased an EA called Morpheus Oddbot. Many people say that Oddbot is a direct rip-off of Wallstreet Forex Robot. But I don't really care. If you go to check Melly Forex, you'll see her Oddbot account is doing pretty well. So I've decided to use the special parameter she's been using. It's just one day since I started running it, but so far I like it.

For me, I don't evaluate things with the originality. I evaluate with performance. I'm not a critic. I'm an ordinary consumer.


I've been running StepsOfGlory that I bought on eBay for some days now on IBFX Australia tiny account. It has achieved 30% in just five trading days. It looks fantastic, but I'm not too excited about it.

This bot is a deformed type of grid trader I guess. Honestly, I'm not too familiar with grid trading, but this bot just keeps adding positions when the market is not moving on its favor.

So my curiousity is when it blows up an account. I've used this type of EA called PID SP4 in the past. Although it kept doubling my account every month, it has blown the account in a matter of day or two.

As you can see from the picture below, it keeps adding tiny 0.01 lot again and again and wait for the market to move in favor. I'm not sure how far it can go.

Two Day Duration on EXNESS

I've experienced very weird thing on EXNES. I run Wallstreet Forex Robot on a couple of different brokers, but the one on EXNESS kept a long GBPUSD position open for 2 days while the other same long positions were closed earlier.

I managed to close that position manually in positive, but if I hadn't I would have taken a loss.

Other than this position, everything is fine with EXNESS. So I'll keep it running on EXNESS and see how it goes.